INED Courses offered in SD67
A number of courses that focus on Indigenous content are available in SD67. These courses are available to all students and are a part of the school's regular course offerings.
- English First Peoples 12: this course is offered at both Penticton Secondary and Princess Margaret secondary and can be used to meet the Language Arts graduation criteria. This course provides opportunity for students to explore First Peoples’ worldviews using dynamic, rich, written, oral, visual, and digital format.
- BC First Nations Studies 12: this course is offered at Penticton Secondary and can be used to meet the graduation criteria for Social Studies 11. This course explores the history of British Columbia from pre-contact to the present from an Indigenous perspective.
- Cultural Connections 12: this self directed course is offered at all three high schools and is specifically designed to empower Indigenous students by supporting their developing strengths and skills by honouring their roles as community members, leaders and mentors in the schools families, communities and cultures. Students will explore and reflect on their Indigenous culture through their personal lens and through their experiences in activities outside of the regular classroom setting.